gabbiano indietro


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librothe guestbook

It has not been easy for me, but I am gone up two times (both unfortunately I visit only the external floor).

If you want to see other photos that I have taked in these occasions you must go to the page “Gallery of photo”.

This ship has not been appeared to the best because in the first encounter the ship was still to the intense activities in the shipyard of La Spezia, therefore I have been able to visit it only partially (you will see that the scaffolding was still installed).

The second time instead, in the town of Venice, since that night the rain has fallen, and that morning the sun did not give signal to introduce itself, the external bridge was covered from “burlaps” (to shelter if it had rained), therefore we have been not able to completely admire the masts and moreover, naturally, it appeared less luminous, everything was grey.

In every case, in any way it present himself, I assure you that it is a beautiful ship. If you can go to see it, also from the bench .......... it only deserves truly!

scialuppa nave scuola amerigo vespucci venezia


View from the sloop of the Commander.

Riva Sette Martiri Venezia ormeggio della nave scuola amerigo vespucci

Here it is always in Venice - October 2004.

In the year 2000, when I go … running… to the town La Spezia in order to meet my preferred ship for the first time, I have been able to visit also the Marine Military Arsenal.

It has been the most interesting visit… I have uncovered a new world!

 It is true that, if you think a moment, you can suppose that there is a “life” also at earth, but I creed that, until is not looked at, you cannot be imagined what is really.
The image of the ship, is associated to the water, not to the earth, is something that… is sailing.

On the Arsenal of La Spezia I have become account of the complete life of the ships. There, you discover that, besides the carried out indispensable job from the staff on board, there is an other to earth, and this job is also important in order to make at the best these Ladies Of the Seas.

If you want to know my “adventures” to the pursuit of my preferred ship, that a friend has advised to me to write, you go to read my story.

The link is in my page “advised websites”, you shall arrive directly to the two parts in which I have had to subdivide the story. Good reading!

You must know that I have had to subdivide this story it in two parts, because I have begun to write and… they have not succeeded to withhold to me!
When I think to “my” Vespucci I… begin to… to sail… (with the thought), and the words are following, and they do not stop more. It is too much beautiful, it is a tall ship of my dreams, it is held very well, it is really a jewel, it is fantastic! However it is recognized from all the people, and for this called, “the beautiful ship of the world”.

Venezia ormeggio della nave scuola amerigo vespucci

Here we are in Venice.

salvagente Vespucci
salvagente Vespucci

You can find ulterior news, technical details, and several detailed lists in the page the sails and the masts.

It has been many times over restored and lately modernized. I have read that a conditioning system is on board. The Kitchens and the secretariats have been adapted to new requirements and the refrigerators also has been modified. Regarding the local duffles-coat the hammocks are only remained for the Students of the Naval Academy and many systems have been varied in order to respect the international pollution norms. It has been moreover prepared a new infirmary with a modern one knows it operating.

Usually you can be asked because is held a similar ship, to sail in the era of the technology, of the computers? … who is imbarked says: this is a school of sea and a school of life - in order to learn to know himself, to cohabit with the other men, to respect the others, but above all to preview the sea, to know it!
For the mutual attendance, all the crew joining against that uncontrollable force for the benefit of the survival of all; that mutual attendance that however joins every boat, every boat of any Nation it is.

The spirit who has animated in fact the idea to commission the construction of the two tall ships, Colombo and Vespucci, assigned already in origin to School Ships, it was own this: in order to acquire the immense acquaintance, it necessarily had to go up on board of a sail ship, in middle of the natural elements like the Sea and the Wind.

You can also happen to see this ship in television, it is rare, but it has happened. Recently this ship has had the honor to participate at the opening in England for the anniversary of the battle on Trafalgar, behind the tall ship of Admiral Nelson. If you do not lost it therefore I council you to go, from time to time, to consult, in the website of the Italian Navy (you see page “ advised websites”), the several appointments (television and not); these regard not only the Amerigo Vespucci, but all the ships and the Italian Navy.

The school ship Amerigo Vespucci is armed with two little guns from 60 mm., to fire a volley, and it has a machine-gun to take apart from 20/70 mm.

The crew is composed from 278 men (and women) of which 16 Officials.

It annually carries out the Training Cruise (said: “Campagna Addestrativa”), during which it embarks others 140 men, a hundred is the Students of the Naval Academy.

The lodgings of the Officials are to poop, those of the non-comissioned Officers and of the sailors they are at the bow. The students are arranged to the center.

lanterna nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci

A detail.

polena nave scuola Amerigo Vespucci

The figurehead of this ship.

The figurehead of the ship represents the navigator Amerigo Vespucci and it is realized in golden bronze. The carvings on the bow, and the arabesque which you can see on the stern, are in wood and they are covered of gold leaf.

The maximum speed is: 10 nodes.
It has an autonomy of 5.500 miles to 6,5 nodes.

It is supplied moreover of two radar of navigation, a satellite broadcast apparatus and other modern navigation systems.

This ship has got five anchors: two are sheet anchor, one is last hope and two of current.

There are 11 boats. One of this is used for training and the services on the harbor, of these, six boats are to motor, four to addles and sail and a whale-boat.
In particular there are: two motorboats, one of these is used by the Commander, two powerboats, two motorlaunch, four sailboats and rowboats (used for the training of the Students) and the whaling ship, a row/sail boat traditionally reserved to the Commander.

Venezia ormeggio della nave scuola amerigo vespucci

In Venice.

The Amerigo Vespucci can be governed from three emplacements:

bompresso nave scuola amerigo Vespucci

The bowsprit.

alberi nave scuola amerigo vespucci

One of its masts.

The ship is a tall ship whit more sails, but it owns the auxiliary motor. The hull is a three steel decks (the floors) (upper deck, battery bridge and corridor). There are several partial decks (called: “copertini”). It has two elevated main superstructures on the main deck:  the forecastle to bow and the quarter-deck to poop.

The tables of “teak” are 65 mm. thick and they cover the main deck, the guardrail, and the rudder room. The mahogany, “teak” and the Saint wood are used instead for the marine equipments (belaying pin rack, spokes and blocks). On this ship are used more types of wood (the ash for the gratings, oak - for the Officers mess hall, the mahogany and the walnut for the Council Room).

This ship has three masts with sails of square form (foremast, mainmast and mizzenmast) and the bowsprit, that can be considered a fourth mast.

The masts are constructed in three pieces; the first two pieces of all the masts and the bowsprit are made of steel; the third piece, called fore topgallant mast for the vertical mast and auction of flying jib for the bowsprit, is instead made of wood (“douglas”). The yards follow the same system, the three inferiors, the extremity and the boom is made of steel, while the two advanced ones are made of wood, like of wood is also made the peak.

The surface of the sails, that it is of approximately 3.000 mq, is made from 24 sails of hemp (canvas). For the fixed maneuvers are used steel cables, while for those currents are beyond 30 km. of vegetable cable of various diameters; there are moreover approximately 400 blocks made of wood and 120 made of iron.
For the detail of the sails and the masts you must go to following page: The sails and the masts of the Vespucci ship.

The ship Amerigo Vespucci has been planned, and it was constructed in the Regal Shipyard of Castellammare di Stabia (Napoli - Italy), 12th May 1930.

It has been launched on 22th February 1931 and it has commissioned on July of the same year. The first motto “For the Native land and the King” has been replaced in the 1946 with “Solid in the fury of the winds  and of the events” (exactly: “Saldi nella furia dei venti e degli eventi”), and later, in the 1978, it has been changed once more with “not who begin but who perseveres” (exactly: “Non chi comincia ma quel che persevera”).

There was another similar ship, the vessel called “Cristoforo Colombo” that was yielded to USSR, after the World War. Then, after a fire, it was cancelled definitively in the 1963!
I am very sad because it was a beautiful ship!
The ship Amerigo Vespucci is, instead, still active. It belongs to the Italian Navy, and it is used like school ship for the Cadet, Military Official, during their first year of Naval Academy.
The first Training Cruise was happened on 4th July 1931. The Commander was the Captain Augusto Radicati di Marmorito. Its first travel was directed to North Europe.

Breakup: 1.042 ton.; 4.146 ton. fully loaded.
Dimensions: 82,38 X 15,56 X 6,65.
The maximum length to the bowsprit: 100,5 m.; I block lateral to main yard 28 m.; height at the top to main "little" mast 54 m.; draft 7 m.

Propulsion: surface of the sails, approximately, 3.000 mq, composed from 24 sails of hemp (burlap said: “olona”) with 30 km. of vegetable cable for the running maneuvers.
The auxiliary drive system is a diesel electric engine, with two engine with eight cylinders of 1.500 HP, each one is connected to two dynamo that feed an electric motor, connected to the axis of the propeller from four shovels, the diameter is 3.400 millimeter and the weight of 2.810 Kg.

l'otto nave scuola amerigo Vespucci

A detail.

It slips majestic… silent,

with the calm of the strong,

always ahead,

caressed from the waves…

letting the wind pushes it

that swell

the immense sails!

Venezia ormeggio della nave scuola amerigo vespucci

Here, October 2004, is moored
 in Venice

The photos are not beautiful,
but I am sure you will understand that it is not possible for me to take a photo while it is in navigation!

My great passion:
the beautiful school ship Amerigo Vespucci

Now I indicate greater regarding details of the drive engine system. I have held them for last because, I say to you, with all sincerity, they do not interest particularly to me and moreover I do not know the “matter”, but they are integrating part of this magnificent ship then I must bring back therefore them.

The propulsion is a diesel engine-electrical worker; there are two diesel motors, they are connected to two dynamos, that they generate the electric current who feeds the electric motor. The motors are at 8 cylinders online, directed injection, mark Fiat. This allows to develop the maximum power of 3.000 horses total. The propulsion electric motor is a Marelli with continuous current, induced double quantity and it develops a rotatory movement, the regime is 150 turns/min., par to a speed of 12 nodes.

The helix is only one and it has four shovels.

The electric power, who concurs to make to work the onboard equipments, is created thanks 4 diesel alternators at 8 cylinders of the Isotta Fraschini/Ansaldo that generate 500 KVA everyone.